Raid-wide buffs are removed in Legion and only healers can mass-resurrect. We no longer have the option to talent into Death’s Advance and it was reworked into 15% base movement speed. Our new movement speed ability is Wraith Walk.

We no longer have Icebound Fortitude, Empower Rune Weapon, or Death Pact, and the cooldown on the remaining cooldowns has been increased by various amounts.

Blood Plague deals damage and heals based on the damage dealt, as well as enabling auto attacks to proc Crimson Scourge. Instead of having two distinct diseases, we now simply have Blood Plague. Death Strike, instead of costing Runes, now costs 45 Runic Power, and uses the old Mists of Pandaria system - the value of the heal is based off the damage taken in the last 5 seconds, with a minimum value of 7% max HP. It functions much how it used to, reducing incoming damage by 20%, with stacks being consumed on damage instances.

Bone Shield is now a form of active mitigation, generated through Marrowrend. Additionally, our active mitigation has been changed significantly.All runes now are the same type, and abilities simply require “generic” runes. The most noticeable change, applying to the whole of the Death Knight class, is the removal of unique Rune types. Blood Death Knights retain core abilities, but emphasize fantasy of Blood and Bone more.īlood has undergone a significant overhaul in Legion.Presences are now removed as well-Blood Presence, Frost Presence, and Unholy Presence.Abilities now cost death runes and there is no restriction on the abilities you can cast.The rune system has been overhauled-there are now 6 Runes, 3 recharging maximum at any given time.You can also set up a guide for a spec via the "Create New Guide" option on the Legion Talent Calculator. To set up a Legion Class Guide, just go to " Create New Guide" on any guide page and select "Classes" from the guide category, then pick a spec. Leave notes on any important items that impact your build, such as Legion Legendaries.Select stat weights and rank useful enchants, gems, and food.Perhaps you're looking for a simple build for an alt, or something specifically for dungeons on your main. Leave tags specifying the skill level required for your build, and if it's suitable for different categories of PvE and PvP.Embed Talent, Honor Talents, and Artifact Calculator builds into the guide, with notes on each ability choice.New to Legion, you can also create and submit your own build guide! We designed a new user-friendly UI for writing class guides, which allows you to do the following new things: The Blood Death Knight guide is written by Aughyssul and the Frost and Unholy Guides are written by Miniaug. Wowhead has guides to each spec written by popular Warcraft community members, linked above. Blood Guide | Frost Guide | Unholy Guide | User Guides